Sunday Day of Mindfulness 2023.09.10
- 2023-09-10 09:30 - 16:30
- 大嶼山,昂坪,蓮池寺
- 免費
Information of the activity The registration link will be open on Monday 22:00 (approximately), until Friday 18:00.
Information of the activity The registration link will be open on Monday 22:00 (approximately), until Friday 18:00.
It is a joyful moment for the AIAB monastics and friends to complete our annual three month rain retreat. You are welcome to join our Closing ceremony and share with our happiness. Schedule 9:30 Orientation for new friends 10:00 Walking Meditation 11:00 The Pavarana Ceremony (Rain Retreat Closing Ceremony) 12:30 Lunch & Farewell
About the Rose Ceremony In the West we have Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to celebrate the presence of our parents in our lives. The Rose Ceremony is a tradition that Thầy began after a visit to Japan. While in Tokyo some Japanese students pinned a carnation on Thầy’s robe. On Mother’s day, it is their custom to wear a red flower on the lapel when your mother is still alive, and a white one if she is no longer alive. In Vietnam (and other Asian countries) there is a tradition to celebrate the Ullambana Ceremony, which is an occasion to commemorate Venerable Maudgalyayana for his expression of filial love – rescuing his Mother from the Hell realm. Every year, as part of the Plum Village tradition we celebrate both the Ullambana and the Rose Ceremony together. It is an opportunity to pay respect and offer gratitude to our parents for their love and care throughout our lives. This is special as it is a time when you can reflect on and appreciate the good seeds that your parents have passed on to you, whether they are still alive or have already passed away. The tentative schedule is as follow, is subject to change: 09:30 Orientation for New Friends 10:00 Walking Meditation 11:00 Rose Festival 12:30 Lunch 15:00 Be-In
每月第三個星期五在中環舉行「星期五晚共修@中環」,是在市內 「輕型」實體版修習活動,也是以粵語溝通為主。我們有機會與社區的其他同修一起練習正念。 以此我們可產生強大的集體能量,在忙碌的一周之後,為我們自己和世界帶來療癒和轉化。 參加共修不需要任何經驗和費用,建議穿著寬鬆舒適的衣服,亦希望大家能預早 10 分鐘到達,好讓能夠讓身心平靜下來。星期五晚共修@中環必須報名。報名連續會在該活動的星期一晚上十時開放,直至星期四黃昏六時或額滿即止。 地點:中環 費用:全免 當你填妥表格後,按下「提交」或 submit 後,請留意系統發出的確認信息。內含地址。我們不再另發電郵確認。如果您有任何問題,請發送電子郵件至 。 我們期待在周五晚上的練習中與您一起練習。
Bi-monthly Theme: In the Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching In The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching, Thich Nhat Hanh brings his gift of clear and poetic expression to an explanation of the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, and other basic Buddhist teachings. Thich Nhat Hanh’s extraordinary contribution to Buddhism and to life is the way he makes these teachings and practices accessible to everyone, showing us how the very suffering that is holding us down can be the path to our liberation. Dates Date Time (UTC +8) Location Language Reading 2023 July 7th 19:30 – 21:15 Online (Zoom) English Intro. of Dharma 1/2 (EN) 2023 July 21st 19:00 – 21:00 Central Cantonese Intro. of Dharma 2/2 (CN) 2023 Aug 4th 19:30 – 21:15 Online (Zoom) English The Four Noble Truths (EN) 2023 Aug 18th 19:00 – 21:00 Central Cantonese Eightfold Path: Right View/Right Intention (CN) The zoom link will be provided upon successful registration. Registration here is only for online practices. Registration for practices in Central will be open on Monday of that week. Please visit this page again by then. Please join 5 minutes earlier to settle ourselves down in silence. English Poster
Information of the activity Registration link will be open on Monday night approximately 10:00 pm and ended on Friday evening 18:00, or the capacity are fully occupied.