星期五晚共習@中環 (實體) – 2023.04.23

  •  2023-04-21 19:00 - 21:00
  •  中環 (地址會在登記報名後Google form 最後一頁顯示)
  •  免費

每月第三個星期五在中環舉行「星期五晚共修@中環」,是在市內 「輕型」實體版修習活動,也是以粵語為語言溝通為主。我們有機會與社區的其他同修一起練習正念。 以此我們可產生強大的集體能量,在忙碌的一周之後,為我們自己和世界帶來療癒和轉化。 參加共修不需要任何經驗和費用,建議穿著寬鬆舒適的衣服,亦希望大家能預早 10 分鐘到達,好讓能夠讓身心平靜下來。星期五晚共修@中環必須報名。報名連續會在該活動的星期一晚上十時開放,直至星期四黃昏六時或額滿即止。 地點:中環 費用:全免 當你填妥表格後,按下「提交」或 submit 後,請留意系統發出的確認信息。內含地址。我們不再另發電郵確認。如果您有任何問題,請發送電子郵件至 rainofcompassion.pvhk@gmail.com 。 我們期待在周五晚上的練習中與您一起練習。      

Friday Night Mindfulness Practice (2023 Mar / Apr)

  •  2023-04-21 19:00 - 21:00
  •  Online / Central
  •  Free

2023-03-22 update: Due to coinciding with our April retreat, practice on the first April Friday evening is cancelled. Please attend the practice together on the third week of Friday evening 🙏. Bi-monthly Theme: Taming our Anger Everyone wants Happiness. According to the Buddha’s teaching, the most basic condition to happiness is freedom, freedom from our anger, despair, jealousy, and delusion. In order to be free from anger, we must practice to understand and transform anger. In the coming 2 months, we will be practicing together for the 4 Friday nights and reading Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Anger – Wisdom for Cooling the Flames”. Peactce in oneself, peace in the world. Let’s cool the flame by starting with ourselves. Dates Date Time (UTC +8) Location Language 2023 Mar 10th 19:30 – 21:15 Online (Zoom) English 2023 Mar 17th 19:00 – 21:00 Central Cantonese 2023 Apr 7th Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled 2023 Apr 21st 19:00 – 21:00 Central Cantonese The zoom link will be provided upon successful registration. Registration here is only for online practices. Registration for practices in Central will be open on Monday of that week. Please visit this page again by then. Please join 5 minutes earlier to settle ourselves down in silence. English poster

Sunday Day of Mindfulness – 2023.04.16

  •  2023-04-16 09:30 - 17:00
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Ngong Ping, Lantau Island
  •  Free

The Day of Mindfulness (DOM) is mainly facilitated by the monks and nuns of AIAB with the intention to bring the practices of Buddhism into daily life. It is a day for us to experience the happiness of the present moment simply by having a series of mindfulness practice activities. The mindfulness practice will help us to become more focus and attentive in our daily life. Practicing together is indeed very happy and enjoyable! The DOM is free-of-charge and welcomes all, regardless of your religious background and experiences. The program of the DOM is temporary adjusted to as follows: Time Program 09:30 Orientation for new friends 10:00 Walking Meditation 11:00 Dharma Talk – 1st to 3rd week Q&A – 4th week 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Total Relaxation 14:30 1st week  – 5 Mindfulness Trainings Recitation Ceremony & Dharma Discussion 2nd week – Dharma Discussion / separate activities for Wake Up Group (footnote 1) 3rd week – 14 Mindfulness Trainings Recitation Ceremony & Dharma Discussion 4th week – Q&A / Children Program & Dharma Discussion We will open the space for 80 friends to join the DOM on first-come-first serve basis. Registration window will be open on every Monday 22:00 until Friday 22:00, or seats are fully occupied. Registration will help the monastic to prepare lunch and other activities. There is no separate email sent as confirmation. Language: English with Cantonese Translation You are encouraged to stay for the whole day to practice and nourish your body and mind. The temperature at Ngong Ping is lower than town, please wear / bring warmth clothes with you, especially for practicing Total Relaxation in the afternoon. Should you have any question, please email to aiab@pvfhk.org. Footnote: Wake Up Group welcomes aged 18 – 35 young people. Separate activities will be led by the monastic.

“Pure Land in the Here and Now” 2023 Spring Retreat – 2023.04.06 to 2023.04.10 IS FULL

  •  2023-04-06 15:00 - 2023-04-10 14:00
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Ngong Ping, Lantau
  •  HKD2,000

The retreat spaces are fully occupied. You can register for the “Waiting List” by pressing “Register Here”. You are invited to attend the annual Spring retreat held at AIAB – Lotus Pond Temple. The theme of this retreat is Pure Land in the Here and Now, which helps to realize peace and happiness in the here and now, in any moment and any place that we are in. Here is Pure Land, the Pure Land is here. I smile in mindfulness And dwell in the present moment. The Buddha is seen in an autumn leaf, The Dharma in a floating cloud. The Sangha body is everywhere. My true home is right here. Breathing in, flowers are blooming, Breathing out, I am aware that Bamboo is swaying, my mind is clear And I enjoy every moment. In this retreat, we will have the chance to learn the Discourse on the Land of Great Happiness (The Pureland Sutra, Sukhavati-Vyuha Sutra,Taisho Revised Tripitaka 366*), and see how we can realize the pure land in the here and now.  We will practice mindfulness as a way of life, where everything we do like breathing, walking, eating, smiling …. is an act of mindfulness. We will enjoy the beautiful sky, the trees, the walking path, the flowers around us. We will listen to dharma talks and participated in dharma sharing on how to live fully in the present moments and to cultivate togetherness, making our presence a precious gift to ourselves and others. The tentative schedule is as follows: Date/Time Apr 06 Thur. Apr 07 Fri Apr 08 Sat. Apr 09 Sun. Apr 10 Mon. 5:15   Wake Up 6:00   Sitting & Slow Walking & Reading Discourse Outdoor walking, sitting & breakfast 7:00   10 Mindful Movements & Walking Meditation 8:00   Breakfast 9:15   Working Meditation Working Meditation 10:30 Dharma Talk Questions & Answers 12:30 Lunch Lunch 14:00 15:00 – 17:30 Registration Check-In […]

Sunday Day of Mindfulness – 2023.04.02

  •  2023-04-02 09:30 - 17:00
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Ngong Ping, Lantau Island
  •  Free

The Day of Mindfulness (DOM) is mainly facilitated by the monks and nuns of AIAB with the intention to bring the practices of Buddhism into daily life. It is a day for us to experience the happiness of the present moment simply by having a series of mindfulness practice activities. The mindfulness practice will help us to become more focus and attentive in our daily life. Practicing together is indeed very happy and enjoyable! The DOM is free-of-charge and welcomes all, regardless of your religious background and experiences. The program of the DOM is temporary adjusted to as follows: Time Program 09:30 Orientation for new friends 10:00 Walking Meditation 11:00 Dharma Talk – 1st to 3rd week Q&A – 4th week 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Total Relaxation 14:30 1st week  – 5 Mindfulness Trainings Recitation Ceremony & Dharma Discussion 2nd week – Dharma Discussion / separate activities for Wake Up Group (footnote 1) 3rd week – 14 Mindfulness Trainings Recitation Ceremony & Dharma Discussion 4th week – Q&A / Children Program & Dharma Discussion We will open the space for 80 friends to join the DOM on first-come-first serve basis. Registration window will be open on every Monday 22:00 until Friday 22:00, or seats are fully occupied. Registration will help the monastic to prepare lunch and other activities.  There is no separate email sent as confirmation. Language: English with Cantonese Translation You are encouraged to stay for the whole day to practice and nourish your body and mind. The temperature at Ngong Ping is lower than town, please wear / bring warmth clothes with you, especially for practicing Total Relaxation in the afternoon. Should you have any question, please email to aiab@pvfhk.org. Footnote: Wake Up Group welcomes aged 18 – 35 young people. Separate activities will be led by the monastic.

Sunday Day of Mindfulness – 2023.03.26

  •  2023-03-26 09:30 - 16:30
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Ngong Ping, Lantau
  •  Free

The Day of Mindfulness (DOM) is mainly facilitated by the monks and nuns of AIAB with the intention to bring the practices of Buddhism into daily life. It is a day for us to experience the happiness of the present moment simply by having a series of mindfulness practice activities. The mindfulness practice will help us to become more focus and attentive in our daily life. Practicing together is indeed very happy and enjoyable! The DOM is free-of-charge and welcomes all, regardless of your religious background and experiences. The program of the DOM is temporary adjusted to as follows: Time Program 09:30 Orientation for new friends 10:00 Walking Meditation 11:00 Dharma Talk – 1st to 3rd week Q&A – 4th week 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Total Relaxation 14:30 1st week  – 5 Mindfulness Trainings Recitation Ceremony & Dharma Discussion 2nd week – Dharma Discussion / separate activities for Wake Up Group (footnote 1) 3rd week – 14 Mindfulness Trainings Recitation Ceremony & Dharma Discussion 4th week – Q&A / Children Program & Dharma Discussion We will open the space for 80 friends to join the DOM on first-come-first serve basis. Registration window will be open on every Monday 22:00 until Friday 22:00, or seats are fully occupied. Registration will help the monastic to prepare lunch and other activities.  There is no separate email sent as confirmation. Language: English with Cantonese Translation You are encouraged to stay for the whole day to practice and nourish your body and mind. The temperature at Ngong Ping is lower than town, please wear / bring warmth clothes with you, especially for practicing Total Relaxation in the afternoon. Should you have any question, please email to aiab@pvfhk.org. Footnote: Wake Up Group welcomes aged 18 – 35 young people. A separate activities will be led by the monastic.

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