Thích Nhất Hạnh 100th Day Memorial Ceremony

  •  2022-05-01 15:30 - 17:00
  •  Online
  •  free

You are invited to join us for a Memorial Ceremony where we come together to generate the collective energy of peace in memory of our beloved teacher as we commemorate 100 days since his passing. The community will spend the morning in Noble Silence as we enjoy with you Guided Sitting Meditation, Touching the Earth, Chanting, and Reading from the Sutras. (Time displayed is in Hong Kong Time) The programme will be in English, French, and Vietnamese (EN, FR, VN).

Memorial Service for the Deceased (2022 April)

  •  2022-04-24 10:00 - 12:00
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Lantau / Online
  •  free

The recent spike in covid-19 infections has sent the related death toll to nearly 10,000, leaving many families in bereavement. But few families had been able to carry out proper memorial services to honour the deceased, owing to covid restrictions. In view of the situation, the monastic sangha at Plum Village Foundation Hong Kong (Asia Institute of Applied Buddhism) will hold an open memorial service to commemorate the recently deceased and to comfort the living. The monastic sangha is also saddened by the tragic loss of lives in the current war in Ukraine. In the service, they will commemorate those who died in the war as well. The Plum Village Foundation Hong Kong would like to invite you to participate in the service. May our collective energy of compassion transform the grief of many, with blessings sent forth to Hong Kong and the world, so that the pandemic and the war will soon end. Any participant in bereavement may set up an altar at home, with a picture of the deceased and flowers, so that the blessings from the service can reach the deceased. Date and Time: Sunday, April 24, 2022 – 10:00am to noon YouTube: Language: English & Vietnamese (chanting) with Cantonese translation References Our teacher, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh touched us how to face the death. Plum Village Hong Kong selected the following short videos and wish to bring peace to everyone. What Happens When We Die?” | Clip from a Dharma talk by Thich Nhat Hanh, 2014 06 17, PV   You Have A Cosmic Body | by Thich Nhat Hanh, 2014 07 20, (LH, Plum Village Summer Retreat)   “Being an Island”: the Buddha’s last teaching | by Thich Nhat Hanh, 2009-11-12   No Life Without Death | Thich Nhat Hanh, (Upper Hamlet, Plum Village, France)

Sunday Day of Mindfulness (2022 Feb 6th)

  •  2022-02-06 09:30 - 16:30
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Lantau
  •  free

The Day of Mindfulness (DOM) is mainly facilitated by the monks and nuns of AIAB with the intention to bring the practices of Buddhism into daily life. It is a day for us to experience the happiness of the present moment simply by having a series of mindfulness practice activities. The mindfulness practice will help us to become more focus and attentive in our daily life. Practicing together is indeed very happy and enjoyable! The DOM is free-of-charge and welcomes all, regardless of your religious background and experiences. The program of the DOM is temporary adjusted to as follows: Time Program 09:30 Orientation for new friends 10:00 Walking Meditation 11:00 Dharma Talk 12:00 Lunch (footnote 1) 14:20 Dharma Discussion / 5 or 14 Mindfulness Trainings Recitation Ceremony We will open the space for 30 friends to join the DOM on first-come-first serve basis. Please registrar on or before Thursday. Language: English with Cantonese Translation Location: Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism, Lotus Pond Temple, Ngong Ping, Hong Kong You are encouraged to stay for the whole day to practice and nourish your body and mind. For transportation information, please refer to this page. Any questions, email us at Footnote: With HK Gov’t recommendation, we cannot offer lunch. Please enjoy vegetarian lunch in nearby Ngong Ping restaurant

Wake Up Retreat – The Art of Being Happy at Work (2021 Winter)

  •  2021-11-20 09:30 - 16:30
  •  Infinite Light, Luk Wu, Lantau
  •  $300/day (half price for full-time students)

Activity Update To accomodate more people, we have adjust the event as follows: Dates: Nov 13 & 20, 2021 (you could attend either one, but recommend to attend both). Fee: $300/day. $150 for full-time students (fee taken on site). Other arrangements are kept the same. The Art of Being Happy at Work We know that working is a very important part of our life. Every day we work 8-10 hours. For many of us, working time is not enjoyable and can even be a source of suffering. So how to enjoy our working is a challenge for everyone, especially for young people. In this retreat The art of being happy at work we will have a chance to learn: The art of generating Joy and Happiness at work The art of handling and transforming our difficulties and suffering at work (stressful, communication with coworkers and your boss, low energy at work…) The art of creating happy working environment Dates: On 3 consecutive Saturdays: 6th, 13th, and 20th of November, please join all sessions Age: 18 – 35 Maximum Participants: 30 Venue: Infinite Light, Luk Wu, Lantau (direction) Schedule Time Activity 09:30 Arriving at temple 10:00 Walking meditation 11:00 Short sitting meditation 11:15 Singing meditation 11:30 Sharing from Monks and Nuns (every time a different topic) 12:30 Break 13:30 Total relaxation 14:30 Dharma sharing (every time a different topic) 16:00 Hiking around the Village (if the weather is nice) 16:45 Leaving Fee $1,000 (half-price for full-time students), three-day costs included, to be paid on site by cash. The fee will support the activity expenses, operation of the temple and renovation of temple in Luk Wu. Extra donation is welcome. Feel free to contact us should you have any inquiries: Facebook Email

Lamp Transmission Ceremony (2021 October)

  •  2021-10-03 10:00 - 12:00
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Lantau
  •  free

Dear friends, The coming Sunday Day of Mindfulness, October 3, 2021 is a special day. We will have the first Lamp Transmission Ceremony in Hong Kong. Three Sisters will receive the transmission from Thay and become Dharma Teacher and helping spreading Dharma. The schedule will be: 10:00 – 12:00: Lamp Transmission Ceremony. There is no orientation, morning walking meditation, nor afternoon dharma sharing. You are welcome to join us and participate the ceremony. Breathe & Smile, Monks & Nuns of Plum Village Hong Kong

Pavarana Ceremony (Rain Retreat Closing Ceremony)

  •  2021-08-29 09:30 - 12:00
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Lantau
  •  free

It is a joyful moment for the AIAB monastics and friends to complete our annual three month rain retreat. You are welcome to join our closing ceremony and share with our happiness. Schedule Time Activity 9:30 Orientation for new friends 10:00 Walking Meditation 10:45 Dharma Talk & The Pavarana Ceremony (Rain Retreat Closing Ceremony) 12:00 End Please feel free to contact us at We are looking forward to your presence and practising together on this special occasion! Breathe and Smile, Plum Village Monks and Nuns at AIAB

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