New sharing from sangha (Chinese only)
New sharing from sangha (Chinese only) 教育工作者禪修營-後記 (再次遇上老師)
New sharing from sangha (Chinese only) 教育工作者禪修營-後記 (再次遇上老師)
Here is the schedule for 2024 2nd Half Day of Mindfulness: Jun-22 Aug-24 Sep-28 Nov-23
On the first day of CNY, the fourth fold sangha gathered in Lotus Pond Temple while the city was still sleeping. We paid our respect to our teacher, Thấy. We vowed to practice diligently in the coming year. After the ceremony, we had Oracle reading. Monastic suggested “mindful solution” to friends’ enquiry according to the verse that the friend got. We, then, had mindful picnic lunch. In the afternoon, there was Lion Dancing in Bamboo Forest Monastery, the place where Brothers are living. The naughty lion and the “Bug Head Buddha” played around. Friends used Red Pockets to attract the lion came closed to them. It was full of laughter. Then, we visited Brothers’ room. This is the only chance lay friends visit monastic’s room every year. Brothers decorated their room so peaceful and elegant. We sat down, chatted, drank tea. Enjoyed the moment being together. Some friends left and went home due to the traffic, while some friends stayed to have dinner and had tea, coffee in their room again. On the second day of CNY, we didn’t have the morning sitting and chanting. We slept until 7, woke up and had breakfast. The other activities were same as the first day, except this time was Sisters’ turn. Thanks to the monastic’s beautiful work. They just came back from Vietnam a week ago.
Hereunder is the 2024 schedule. Please pencil down your calendar. Mar. 28 – April 1 5-Day/4-Night Spring Retreat (Easter Holidays) July 17-21 5-Day/4-Night Summer Family Retreat July 31 – August 4 5-Day/4-Night Educator Retreat Oct. 23 – 27 5-Day/4-Night Mind-Body Wellbeing Retreat These retreats will be conducted in English with Cantonese translation.
The Mindfulness Concert was finished on June 3, 2023. Here are the lyric of all songs. ZenMeditaiton2023 Here is the linkage for the concert: 8:40:11-10:14:30 mindful concert HKPV: 正念演唱會:正念歌曲帶來滋養和療癒|梅村僧團
Below is the schedule for 2023 retreats. Detailed information will be released around 1.5 month before the event. Please pencil down in your calendar. April 6 – 10, 2023 5 days / 4 nights Spring Retreat Jul 19 – 23, 2023 5 days / 4 nights Summer Family Retreat Aug 2 – 6, 2023 5 days / 4 nights Educators’ Retreat Oct 19 – 23, 2023 5 days / 4 nights Autumn Body Mind Health Retreat We look forward to practice with you in the retreat.