2024 Mind-body Wellbeing Retreat

The theme of the retreat is Coping with Loneliness.

The sangha on a walking meditation in Ngong Ping

The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Loneliness belongs to the social well-being aspect of health. Physical, mental and social wellbeing inter-are with each other. Illness in one aspect affect other aspects.

Loneliness happens to people of all ages and social groups. It often refers to having no one to talk to, to share, to lean on in times of need. It is also a mental state, as in “feeling lonely”. Loneliness is different from being alone. One can be alone but not feeling lonely, but one living with others (like spouses, siblings, friends) can feel lonely. It seems like there is no one that understand us. Loneliness increases the chance of heart disease and mental disorders like fear, anxiety and depression.

Learning how to connect with ourselves, to understand ourselves is a way of coping with loneliness. The famous friendship of Bo Ya (伯牙) and Zhong Ziqi (鍾子期) illustrated how important it is to have bosom friends who understand us (note 1) .We often looking for that bosom friend outside of ourselves, but the dearest friend, the soulmate who understands us is no other than ourselves (知音). Living in the present moment, being aware of our body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness is essential in the process of getting to know ourselves, as taught in the “Discourse of Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone(note 2) . Knowing ourselves will help us to know others, to connect to others so we can have a healthy social

In this retreat, we will have the chance to learn teachings and practices of mindfulness, to cultivate peace and happiness, inspiration and insight, which already existing in us. We will practice mindfulness as a way of life, where everything we do like breathing, walking, eating, smiling …. is an act of mindfulness. We will enjoy the beautiful sky, the trees, the walking path, the flowers around us. We will listen to Dharma talks and participated in group sharing on how to live fully in the present moments, to deal with negative emotions, and to cultivate togetherness, making our presence a precious gift to each other.

The tentative schedule is as follows:

Date/Time Wed.  Oct 23 Thur.  Oct 24 Fri. Oct 25 Sat. Oct 26 Sun. Oct 27
5:15   Wake Up
6:00   Sitting & Slow Walking & Reading Discourse Outdoor walking, sitting & breakfast
7:00   10 Mindful Movements & Walking Meditation
8:00   Breakfast
9:15   Working Meditation
10:30 Dharma Talk Questions & Answers
12:30 Lunch  


Closing Circle

Fare well & Happy Continuation of the practice at home


15:00 – 17:30

Registration Check-In

Total Relaxation
15:00 Group sharing
16:45 Exercise Hiking Exercise / Consultation
18:00 Dinner
19:30 Dharma Talk Touching the Earth Beginning Anew Be-In
21:30 Rest – Noble Silence  

Retreat will be conducted in English with Cantonese translation

Accommodation and cost: Accommodation for this retreat is limited to dormitory-room. Participants will behoused in dormitories (bunk beds).  Pillows, bed-linens, and blankets are provided.  The cost per person islisted below (in HK Dollars).

Room Type (5 days, 4 nights) Dormitory (HKD)
Adults 2,500.00

Working Meditation: Because the retreat is held in the monastery, all the preparation and cooking will be done by the monastics and some volunteers. During the retreat, we need help from participants in preparation works like: setting up the meditation hall and dining hall, washing up after meals… Participants will be grouped into Dharma discussion groups and will work together to help out the retreat.

How to register: Please press “Registration Linkage” button which is on a first-come-first served basis.  For means of payment, details will be sent along with the acknowledgement of registration email to those who completed online registration, within three working days.  Please make payment within five days after you received the email and attached your pay-in-skip copy by return.  If payment is not received on or before your payment closing date, your registration will be cancelled.

Closing date for registration: Oct 17, 2024. Payment is not refundable for cancellation after Oct 10, 2024. Cancelation is subject to a 20% cancellation fee. For enquiries, please contact us by e-mail: retreats@pvfhk.org .

If you find out there is mistake on your registration, please email to retreats@pvfhk.org and tell us the updated data. Please do not register again.

Please note:  we shall communicate with you via email. Please check your email mailbox regularly as not missing any message.


  1. It happened in the Spring and Autumn Period (approximately from 770 to 403 BCE) in Chinese history. Zhong Ziqi was from the country of Chu and BoYa was from Jin. BoYa loved playing guqin. When Zhong Ziqi heard the music, he said: “It’s as tall as a mountain, as swaying as flowing water.” Boya unexpectedly met the soulmate he had not been looking for a long time. Zhong Ziqi could always understand Boya’s thoughts through the sound of guqin. This was what we called “bosom friends”, which is the highest spiritual state of friendship, congenial interests, and connected hearts. Later, Zhong Ziqi passed away. When Boya learned of his death, he thought that there would be no more music in the world and he would never play the guqin again in his life.
  2. Plum Village version; Majjhima Nikaya 中部131

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