Sunday Day of Mindfulness – 2024.03.17

  •  2024-03-17 09:30 - 17:00
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Ngong Ping, Lantau Island
  •  Free (donations are welcome)

Information of the activity Registration link will be open on Monday night approximately 10:00 pm and ended on Friday evening 18:00, or the capacity are fully occupied. Note: 360 Cable Car services will be suspended from Mar 11 to 21 for maintenance.  Please use other public convenience to visit us.

星期五晚共修@中環 – 2024.03.15

  •  2024-03-15 19:00 - 21:00
  •  中環(地址會在登記報名後Google form 最後一頁顯示)
  •  免費(歡迎隨喜)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 繁體中文. 每月第三個星期五在中環舉行「星期五晚共修@中環」,是在市內「輕型」實體版修習活動,以粵語溝通為主。我們有機會與社區的其他同修一起練習正念,並由資深在家眾修習朋友一同分享。 我們在集體修習中,可產生強大的能量,在忙碌的一周之後,為我們自己和世界帶來療癒和轉化。 參加共修不需要任何經驗和費用,建議穿著寬鬆舒適的衣服,亦希望大家能預早 10 分鐘到達,好讓能夠讓身心平靜下來。星期五晚共修@中環必須報名。報名連續會在該活動的星期一晚上十時開放,直至星期四黃昏六時或額滿即止。 地點:中環 (詳細地址會在成功報名後,在Google link 最後一頁顯示) 當你填妥表格後,按下「提交」或 submit 後,請留意系統發出的確認信息。內含地址。我們不再另發電郵確認。如果您有任何問題,請發送電子郵件至。 我們期待在周五晚上的練習中與您一起練習。      

Sunday Day of Mindfulness (Mar 10th)

  •  2024-03-10 09:30 - 16:30
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Ngong Ping, Lantau Island
  •  Free (donations are welcome)

Information of the activity Registration link will be open on Monday night approximately 10:00 pm and ended on Friday evening 18:00, or the capacity are fully occupied.

Old Path White Clouds 2024 Pilgrimage in India

  •  2024-02-25 00:00 - 2024-03-10 00:00
  •  India
  •  US$1,900

Dear Sangha members, It is with great joy to inform you that the long-awaited Pilgrimage to India, planned to happen after the finishing of the Old Path White Clouds class (April 2019 – July 2021), is finally manifested. During that 2-years waiting period, we have continued to study in the Applied Buddhism class. More Sangha members joined the class, and thus more members can join the  Old Path White Clouds Pilgrimage. After the first year of the Buddha’s teaching life, the Sangha grew to a community of 1,000 monks. Under the suggestion of Ven. Uruvela Kassapa, the Buddha and the Sangha decided to move to Rajagaha (present day Rajgir). Forty groups of 25 monastics were formed, each group was led by a more experienced monk, to take the walk from Uruvela  to Rajagaha. Along the way, the Buddha and the Sangha did alms rounds, gave teachings, practicing and living together. It was like a mobile monastery. The walk took ten days. In this pilgrimage, we will travel with the same practice spirit. There will be about 10 groups of 20 Sangha members, plus two monastics to guide each group. We will travel as a family with each group for the entire trip. We will have daily mindfulness practices, dharma talks in big group and small groups, groups sharing, opportunities to get in touch with local life and cultures and to visit places that the Buddha and the Sangha lived. We live and practice as a Sangha like in the Buddha time. Because of the time limit and to fully experience the trip, the visiting places will be concentrated on and nearby areas of Varanasi (Deer Park, where the Buddha gave the first teaching), Bodhgaya (where the Buddha enlightened), and Rajgir (Bamboo Forest Monastery, Nalanda University, Vulture Peak). Please see tentative itinerary of the trip, cost and details of the trip in the attached documents. The logistic of organizing of this […]

Sunday Day of Mindfulness (Mar 3rd)

  •  2024-03-03 09:30 - 17:00
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Ngong Ping, Lantau
  •  Free (donations are welcome)

Information of the activity Registration link will be open on Monday night approximately 10:00 pm and ended on Friday evening 18:00, or the capacity are fully occupied.  

Sunday Day of Mindfulness – 2024.02.25

  •  2024-02-25 09:30 - 16:30
  •  Lotus Pond Temple, Ngong Ping, Lantau Island
  •  Free (donations are welcome)

Information of the activity Registration link will be open on Monday night approximately 10:00 pm and ended on Friday evening 18:00, or the capacity are fully occupied.

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