Online Friday Night Practice 2021.05.07

  •  2021-05-07 19:00 - 21:00
  •  Online (Zoom)
  •  Free

Friday Night Practice @ Central is a bi-weekly mindfulness practice in the Plum Village tradition in town. It is a “lite” mindfulness practice allowing you to nourish your mindfulness with the practice community after a busy week.  Owing to the pandemic situation, we shall practise together on the internet.  Date: May 7, 2021 Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Language: English Registration: Please note that: Registration window will be closed by 2200 on May 6, 2021.  A confirmation email will be sent to you after registration closed. If you don’t find it, please check your bin/trash, or let us know.   Please arrive at the Zoom Meeting 5 minutes earlier.  If you never use Zoom, we suggest to try it out prior.   In order to nurture a serene and quiet environment for our practice, we will pre-set everyone to ‘mute’.  You are invited to stay “mute”, unless you have to share in the Dharma Sharing session.  You have a choice to turn on or off the “video” (showing your face), but we are happy to see your face.  We look forward to practicing with you online. Breathe & Smile, Friday Night Practice team, Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism/Plum Village Hong Kong Enquiry:  

“Healing Ourselves – Healing the World” 5-Day Online Retreat 2021.05.01-05

  •  2021-05-01 00:00 - 2021-05-05 23:59

Dear beloved friends all over the world, We are back!  To you we send our warm greetings to keep you informed that over here, the monastic Sangha in Thai Plum Village is very healthy and diligent in the practice. While the pandemic of Covid-19 is about to cease, the past challenging year has offered us more strength, and we are more aware than ever of the value of practicing together. Although we are separated by social distancing, the monastic sangha of Thai Plum Village has continued to receive a lot of extraordinary support and love from friends all over the world. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to you for always being with us on this spiritual journey. Moreover, to offer a gift from our heart, we would like to open an online five-day retreat named “Healing Ourselves – Healing the World”.  This retreat will be in English with the support of multilingual translations, and will run from May 1 to May 5, 2021. The daily practice schedule includes sitting meditation, walking meditation, total relaxation, Dharma sharing, and more. Additionally, our senior monastic Dharma teachers will give Dharma talks as well as presentations on the practices of the Five Mindfulness Trainings and Beginning Anew.  The whole Sangha will be practicing at the same time with you, and all activities will be live-streamed to participants. We would like to offer you the collective energy of the Sangha as if you were present in Thai Plum Village.  Online registration will be opened on April 2, at 4 pm Hong Kong time.  Hereunder is the linkage for more information Online Registration We look forward to welcoming you. Breathe and smile, Thai Plum Village online retreat organizing team

Thousands Practice Online (2020)

  •  2020-05-24 16:00 - 17:00
  •  Online
  •  free

逆境疫情,尋覓安心。不假外求,自在心中。 因應疫情,今年「千人禪修」將由實體轉為網上形式舉行。在本年5月起,一連四個周末,分五個主題,由七個道場及法師示範帶領,讓大家體驗不同禪修方法,以正能量安渡疫境。 直播日期:2020年5月2日至24日 日期 主題 主辦方 5月2日(六) 家庭和樂 常霖法師 5月3日(日) 「家庭和樂 覺醒心靈成長中心 5月9日(六) 生死自在 大覺福行中心 5月10日(日) 生死自在 東蓮覺苑 5月16日(六) 身心健康 亞洲應用佛學院 5月17日(日) 身心健康 秀峰禪院 5月23日(六) 職場和諧 德噶香港禪修中心 (華語開示,附中文字幕) 5月24日(日) 疫境安心 眾法師 直播時間:下午四至五時 廣東話主講 費用全免 報名:詳情請留意「千人禪修」Facebook專頁 查詢:請PM 或 電郵至 5月23日會以普通話開示,附中文字幕。

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