Sunday Day of Mindfulness @ Po Lin Temple- 2025.02.23

As to celebrate 100 Anniversary of Po Lin Temple, We, Plum Village Hong Kong is invited to participate to have Sunday Day of Mindfulness in Po Lin Temple on February 23, 2025.

There are three different practices on that day.  Plum Village Hong Kong will be contacted in English with Cantonese transition while the other two practicing centres in Mandarin.

Time:  10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Light lunch will be provided

Transportation: Po Lin Temple arranged bus from Tung Chung – Ngong Ping – Tung Chung

Registration : please scan the QR code in the poster attached (have English translation)

Please refer to poster for more details

P.S. We shall not have Sunday Day of Mindfulness @ Lotus Pond Temple

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